We all feel lost sometimes -and here’s the thing

You are right on track to finding & owning your Superpower

Reiki-infused coaching helps you navigate the world differently. Here you shift into connecting with your magic and limitlessly creating what you want.


You’ve got places to go and awesome ideas…

And you know all those nitty-gritty nagging things that keep coming up every time you try to make a move?

Let’s explore and unload those so you can get on with creating exactly what you are dreaming of!

You are in the right place!

Woman in white and blue blouse sitting on a stool in a white bright room smiling.

I’m Hillary - I translate how the Universe speaks to us through our bodies and perceptions for those who are ready to know & experience their power.

I help you decipher your path so far and guide you to interpret & see the magic all around you.

None of this is top secret.

It’s all within and your body has been showing you this whole time!

This is a safe space where you can unload what feels uncomfortable, dive into the scary bits, and from there build your magic-making muscles.

We play with body insight - what’s happening and why, with releasing old stories that keep us stuck, and with accepting new perspectives and ways of being that feel like freedom!

How did I get here?

My coaching story began when I was lost one day…read it below.

  • Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, a little girl stood lost in a forest.

    She was eight years old, and she was here on purpose. She held a map in one hand and a compass in the other, and she was actually in the middle of an orienteering race. She’d hit her first few checkpoints with ease, but as she continued, the terrain started to appear all the same, somewhat confusing, and suddenly, she was lost.

  • After spending several minutes trying to re-orient herself, the little girl realized she needed help.

    She’d heard her mother describe her as someone “who has God’s ear,” and while she didn’t completely understand what that meant, she decided to pray only the way an eight-year-old can. So she said, almost under her breath, “I need help, please.” (Her mom always told her to use her manners.)

  • From behind her came a crashing sound. Her dad’s friend came running through the thick brush.

    She jumped in front of this man and asked for his help to find herself on the map. He pointed to where they were and dashed off. With her finger on her map, she breathed a quick “Thank you!” and looked down. Her heart sank - that’s where she thought she was! So, keeping her thumb in place, she moved a few feet in each direction, comparing the symbols on the map with her surroundings. She was still lost.

  • She decided to try again. Louder this time, she said aloud with confidence, “May I please have some help! I’m lost! Please and thank you!”

    Suddenly, a figure came bounding at her from the side. She recognized him as another family friend. He slowed and she explained that she was lost, so he repositioned her map and he pointed her in the right direction. She said thank you to the friend and then a quick “Thank you!” skyward, and, alone again, reassessed her location. Her dad’s friend had pointed to a general area on the map and tried to help by shoving her in a direction that didn’t make sense to her. She was still helplessly lost.

  • Ready to cry, or panic, she decided to try one more time. This time she yelled, “If you’re listening, I really need your help! I’m lost and I need to get home. I can’t live out here! Please!”

    After a few moments, she was ready to sit down in the middle of the path, but her plight was answered a third time. She felt him before she heard him, and dashing through the brush came the familiar form and focused features of her hero, her dad.

    He was catching up to his opponents, just minutes ahead of him. But when he saw his little girl, he didn’t just point to the map and run past. He didn’t vaguely gesture to where she might want to head next and sprint away. The tears of relief came as she recognized him, and her dad rushed toward her to squeeze her close.

  • Kneeling, he told her it was all ok and together they pulled out her map. He talked with her about their surroundings and helped her recognize that she wasn't lost and she never had been.

    She’d just gotten flustered, understandably. When she was confident in where she was, he took her hand (not the one holding the map, lest she lose her place) and walked her to the clearing just beyond the trees in front of them. He gave her another little squeeze, and with her “ok,” he jogged away, looking back briefly to check to make sure she was good to go. And she was.

  • That little girls was me - and this is WHY I became a coach.

    I learned 3 things that day:

    1. I’m connected. If I need something, all I need to do is speak up and ask the energy around me. I WILL get a response and I WILL be heard.

    2. A true guide or leader doesn’t try to explain quickly and pull you along with them. A true leader gets down to your level, explains, orients WITH you, and makes sure it all makes sense to YOU before moving forward.

    3. Losing your way never means you’re “less than.” You’re just finding your way. And you deserve to find your way again, no matter how you got to this point.

  • Those 3 tenets are in everything I do as a coach.

    I will be with you and help you see that no misstep in your life determines your worth. I will be your cheerleader as we get into the nitty gritty, we will decipher the symbols on your map together and you will see all the magic around you that has always been with you.

Where are you going?

Working Together can Start Here


I want to feel grounded and restful. I want to learn about the energy that flows through my body.


I’m ready for more of me. I know I might need to make some changes in my life to get what I want. I want to work my magic.

Free Meditations

I want to experience reiki and I’m curious about what’s possible. I’d love to practice this using some free resources.